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Become An Alpha Sponsor
Alpha Sponsors symbolically adopt one of our animals. Donations from Alpha Sponsors go directly towards all of their sponsored animals monthly feed, hay and bedding costs. By becoming their Alpha Sponsor YOU are the one helping to provide all of their feed every month! Some Animals even will need their Alpha Sponsor to help NAME them!
Become A CO-Sponsor
Co-Sponsors symbolically adopt one of our animals that currently have an Alpha Sponsor. Donations from Co-Sponsors go directly towards all of their sponsored animals monthly Supplements, Vet visits, enrichment toys and treat costs. By becoming their Co-Sponsor YOU are the one helping to provide all of their fun enrichment toys and treats, and of course any surprise vet visits they may occur every month!
Become A Herd Member
By setting up a regular monthly donation, you are officially a member of The Herd! Donations from our Herd Members go towards our everyday costs to run the sanctuary such as, feed, hay, bedding, enrichment toys, treats, vet costs, and so much more! Every dollar helps keep us running!

Looking for an Alpha Sponsor
Hi everyone, I’m Hazel! I consider myself the Alpha of this herd. I’m probolay the most social and people loving out of my horse family. I crave attention, all of it! I don’t like to be ignored so let’s not do that. I just have a lot of love to share!

Looking for an Alpha Sponsor
Hey there! I’m Romeo! I am a professional escape artist! I can open can open all kinds gates and locks! I’m just trying to get to the feed shed for a snack. I LOVE to play & can entertain myself with buckets, balls, anything I can get my hooves on! I’m told i can be very vocal, I just got a lot to say!

Looking for an Alpha Sponsor
Hi! I’m Maverick! I consider myself the up and coming Alpha of this herd, I’m becoming the greatest horse ever more and more each day! I can be a little spicy sometimes but it’s only because I’m busy and my little brother Goose just wants to play. We don’t have time to play when becoming great. He’ll understand me one day.

Looking for an Alpha Sponsor
Hi!!! I’m Goose! I am the baby of the herd. I’m just like a little puppy, super loving and a ball of endless energy! I loves to spend my time bugging my big brother Maverick. It’s pretty fun! They call me a mamas boy, I just love my mom and need to be with her 24/7 that’s all, I didn’t think that was asking a lot.

Looking for an Alpha Sponsor
Hey ya’ll, I’m Eeyore! I am so very sweet, incredibly gentle and a super social little soul. I loves attention of all kinds. I gets super excited and comes running when I sees someone walking up to my area. I’ll run up right next to you and throw myself into you for cuddles, I could knock you over with my cuddles! If I did knock you over though I would TOTALLY help you get back up!!

SPONSORED BY: Megan Martin
Hi my name is Penny! I’m a new rescue here at the sanctuary! I came to the sanctuary with my best friend Starbucks. I’m glad I have Starbucks with me! I am still not to sure about all of this and I’m very nervous around the humans… I know they are just trying to help me, I’m trusting them more everyday! I have really bad asthma and sometimes dealing with it can be hard but the humans always help me with it!

Looking for an Alpha Sponsor
Hi my name is Starbucks! I’m a new rescue here at the sanctuary! I came here with my best friend Penny! I was a little nervous at first but WOW I LOVE this place!! Everyone is so nice! I like to greet everyone that comes to see me. Sometimes they even have treats which is the best! I can’t wait to see what awesome adventures I’ll get into!

Sponsored By: Missy Taliercio
Hi my name is Phoenix!
MEET THE Piggies

Sponsored By: Andrea Case
Hi I’m Albee! I defiantly am a old man at heart even though I’m still pretty young! I like to stay to myself. I LOVE my pillows and couch cushions. I will burrow myself literally inside my couch cushions to sleep. It’s so cozy! My favorite pastime is laying in my pool baking in the sun or hiding from the others somewhere to have my midday nap.

Looking for An Alpha Sponsor!
Hi I’m Charlotte! I AM the center of attention for sure. Diva pig is putting it mildly. I am super social! I would talk your ear off if I could! I’ve always gotta be where the people are. They call me their “tank” because I can go thru literally everything! Walls, gates, stalls, nothing stands a chance when I’m coming thru! I have an obsession with water, like literal addiction! No waterers or even buckets of water stand a chance with me! I thinks every thing holding water is a bathtub! Which they are! I’m just a giant tank of love. How could you not just love me!

Sponsored By: Persephone Grace
Hi I’m Wilbur! Its Wilburs world you’re all just living in it! I needs all the attention on me all the time. I am a camera hog, I’m always a willing participant in any photoshoot and I just adores the spotlight. No one can take my shine! I loves all my stuffed animals those are my babies! I can lighten up anyones day with my cold wet nose nudges and muddy cuddles. I runs up to anyone to give love and cuddles. I’m always looking for something fun and exciting to do, I loves aggravating my buddy Albee by jumping on his back and running. Albee is a great ride!

Sponsored By: Angela Kristoff
Hi Everyone!! I’m Wilma!

Hi I’m Rosie! I am a sweet old soul. I can be territorial and use to keeps to myself. Now I have a whole herd of new family members!! I like them a lot and love to help take care of the baby calf. My street sweeper back scratcher is my absolute favorite who doesn’t love a good back rub. Wanna give me a treat? An apple is the key to my heart!

Angus Cow #1 Male
Looking for a Alpha Sponsor
Hi There!! I’m a new rescue here at the sanctuary! I don’t have a name just yet, but once I find my Alpha Sponsor, they can help me pick a perfect name!!

Angus Cow #2 Female
Looking for a Alpha Sponsor
Hi Everyone!! I’m a new rescue here at the sanctuary! I’m the mama of the group! I don’t have a name just yet, but once I find my Alpha Sponsor, they can help me pick a perfect name!!

Angus Cow #3 Female
Looking for a Alpha Sponsor
Hi There!! I’m a new rescue here at the sanctuary! I don’t have a name just yet, but once I find my Alpha Sponsor, they can help me pick a perfect name!!

Angus Cow # 6 Female Calf
Looking for a Alpha Sponsor
Hi!! I’m the newest rescue here at the sanctuary! I was a surprise because they didnt know my mom was pregnant with me when they rescued her. I don’t have a name just yet, but once I find my Alpha Sponsor, they can help me pick a perfect name!!

Angus Cow #4 Female
Looking for a Alpha Sponsor
Hi Everyone!! I’m a new rescue here at the sanctuary! I don’t have a name just yet, but once I find my Alpha Sponsor, they can help me pick a perfect name!!

Angus Cow #7 Female Calf
Looking for a Alpha Sponsor
Hi Everyone!! I’m a new rescue here at the sanctuary! I don’t have a name just yet, but once I find my Alpha Sponsor, they can help me pick a perfect name!!

Jack Greene
Looking for a Alpha Sponsor
Hey Ya’ll!! I’m Jack Greene! I am a new rescue here at the sanctuary!

Sponsored By: Caryn & Madz
Hey Ya’ll!! I’m Sonar! I am a new rescue here at the sanctuary! I am completely blind! But that will never stop me!
MEET THE Goat Herd

Looking for a Alpha Sponsor
Hi I’m Scout! I like to refer to myself as a little sour patch kid. & I am definitely the alpha girl and I will let you know I is the boss !I can be a loner, I likes her own personal space, if any other goats invade my area I kicks them out in a jiffy! Although I puts on a tough demeanor I’m actual a really sweet warm soul and once I’ve decided I likes you, your petting me for life!

Looking for a Alpha Sponsor
Hi I’m Lilo!! I have a little spunk to me. They say I’ve hit my teenage years. Can’t find me? I’ve most likely snuck off to the boys area again.
They are just really fun to hang out with! I can be playful and adventurous! I love to play with Wrenchin we are like BFFs!

Looking for An Alpha Sponsor
Hi I’m Loki!! It’s no mystery how I got my name, I obviously resemblance of the original Loki God of Mischief. Even though I have intimidating horns, I am very calm and collective. I tends to do my own thing and stick to myself. I’m a one man kinda guy. I likes to just flow with the flow. I LOVE my pirate ship and that is where I spend most of my days!

Sponsored By: Fong Chea
Hi I’m Penny!! I am super affectionate! I adores cuddles and love. I am always running up to anyone she can for some cuddles. I can be a little stubborn at times. Bed time is not my favorite and some nights I’ll put up a little fight but don’t let that fool you. I am one of the most snuggly goats you’ve ever met.

Looking for a Alpha Sponsor
Hi I’m Wrenchin’ The little bunny of the sanctuary! I am always hopping all over the place! Thought you saw something flying overhead, yep that’s just little old me hopping from one ramp to another halfway across the playground, no biggie. I defiantly takes after her mama Sandra with my jumping skills! I loves human interaction and will literally hop into your arms for some loving and scratches. They say I’ve got a little hippy soul.

Sponsored By: Trina Avery & Theresa Weber
Hi I’m Bobo! I am one of the most social goats you have ever met! I love to greet everyone who comes to visit and I will follow you around while you walk around. Gotta make sure your safe you know! I am super sweet and loving and just want a little bit of your attention. It literally makes my day!

Looking for a Alpha Sponsor
Hi I’m Lucy! I am the oldest goat of the sanctuary and one of the first goats they rescued! I was defiantly born to be a mom. I am very motherly and protective of my young. I can be a bully at times but that’s just the grumpy old lady in me, I apologize on her behalf.

Looking for a Alpha Sponsor
Hi I’m Buster! I love everyone ad everyone loves me! I am extremley social! I am always the first one out of my house in the morning, I gotta get to the hay first! Sandra thinks shes the only goat that knows how to jump but so do I!!!! I just don’t have a reason to jump out, only if I’m bored, I love it here and am very happy!

Sponsored By: Trina Avery & Theresa Weber
Hi I’m Dixie! I am a very loving soul. I’ve been through a lot in my life so I am a little skiddish. I like to just hang out with myself, others can be a little much for me. I love to lay under the trees munching on some hay, nothing beats that!

Looking for a Alpha Sponsor
Hi I’m Rona!! I loves to be first in line for everything! Coming in the gate with a treat or special toy I am the first one there! I am very gentle though. I won’t bombard you for treats but I still make sure I’m front and center for you to notice me. I won’t ever let you forget me!

Looking for a Alpha Sponsor
Hi I’m Angel! Although my name is Angel I can be far from one! I loves to get into all kinds of things and curiosity defiantly overtakes me sometime! I am super gentle though, I wouldn’t hurt a fly. I love everyone and everyone loves me!

Sponsored By: Chris Rockwell
Hi I’m Sandra!! I tend to be very adventurous! I love to climb all over EVERYTHING! I am an expert at jumping and I can jump higher than any of the other goats here! They had to make our pasture fencing extra tall just because of me!

Looking for a Alpha Sponsor
Hi I’m Luna! I defiantly takes a spot in the bossy category! I can be a little pushy and defiant unless you got a snack BUT only the snacks that I likes. I’ve got a picky appetite. I love to graze the pasture and get sratches from visitors!

Looking for An Alpha Sponsor
Hi I’m Gracen! I’m Midnight’s twin sister! They say we have similar demeanors but I’m is a little more independent and I do not like to be smothered with attention as much as Midnight. I am defiantly a little on the competitive side, I’m always trying to one up my sister midnight!

Sponsored By: Trina Avery & Theresa Weber
Hi I’m Midnight! They say I reminds the of a little cat. I loves to rub my head on people and apparently I do things just like a cat does. I am super sweet and loving and defiantly the model behavior child. I NEVER gets into trouble unlike some ofthe other goats. I’m always the first to go straight to my house at night without even being told! I’m such perfect goat!

Sponsored By: Jenny & Kevin Thomas
Hi I’m Jenny! I am the sister of Kevin! I am a little more calm and collective compared to my brother. I like to relax and do my own thing. I’m always on the hunt for a good snack! if you have somethign sned it my way!

Sponsored By: Jenny & Kevin Thomas
Hi I’m Kevin!! I’m just a spunky young boy thats full of energy!! I love when people come to visit! I always have to jump on them to say hello! I tend to nibble on clothes, hair, shirts, just about anything you got! If you have a snack I might nibble on that instead!

Sponsored By: Suzy Rodmell
Hi! My name is Olivia!! I am the only sheep of our Sanctuary. I am a super sweet, gentle soul. I’ve been through a lot in my life so I am a little skiddish. I like to just hang out with myself, others can be a little overwhelming. I love carrots and apples for treats and will be your best friend if you have some!

Sponsored By: Angela Gagauf
Hi I’m Scruffaluffagus or Scruffy for short! I am one of our newest rescues! I am a little wild from being on my own for so long but I am becoming comfortable with everyone here more and more each day! I see so many other goats here!! I’m hoping I’ll be able to make lots of friends!!

Sponsored By: Lily & Sienna Savage
Hi I’m Sage! I’m a new rescue here at the sanctuary! I’m still developing my personality but I grow more and more each day!

Sponsored By: Laura Van Ohlen
Hi I’m Andy ! I’m a new rescue here at the sanctuary! I’m still developing my personality but I grow more and more each day!
MEET THE Feathered Flock
We have over 150 Hens, Roosters & Ducks in our flock!
Many in our flock do not have names!
If you would like to name one of our flock members become an Alpha Sponsor today!
Meet The Hens!

Meet The Roos!

Meet The Ducks!

Join Our Animal Community
THANK YOU for your donation to help save our santuary. If you’d like to be informed of the progress we are making towards our goal, please join our animal community!
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