Hurricane Helene devastated our sanctuary
Alyssa’s Animal Sanctuary has become a safe haven to over 200 farm animals and GROWING, and we could not do all we do for the animals without the support of kindhearted people like YOU!
Please help us rebuild our home while we rebuild our website!
A couple days ago we received a phone call from the Sherrifs Department in regards to a horse that was shot 2 times with an SKS semi-automatic rifle.
The owner decided he no longer wanted his horse so he shot him twice before the horse was able to escape, break through the fencing and run away. Neighbors who actually witnessed the whole thing immediately called the Sherrif’s department who rushed out and helped to chase the terrified horse through the neighborhood and wrangle and calm them until we could get there.
As soon as we arrived it was easy to see this baby was in absolute shock. He was so calm. Like weirdly spooky calm. So with blood dripping all down his body we loaded him up and we transported him home to our sanctuary.
After an emergency Sunday call to our vet we were able to verify that only ONE of the bullets actually hit him, and the bullet miraculously came about 4 inches of his spinal cord! It appears that the bullet went all the way through his neck but we have to wait for the X-ray results to further assess.
The Sheriff told us “The owner claimed he recently got him From someone else and supposedly he said they didn’t treat him right…which funny enough You didnt see any bullet holes from that guy…” (ie: He’s moved from one abus!v3 home to another💔)
In his recent home they named him Hannibal, but typically when an animal has had a name for a long amount of time they would usually respond to this name. However with Hannibal he doesn’t seem to recognize this name or even respond to it. If a new rescue comes with a name that they know and respond too we will keep their name but in cases like this where the animal doesn’t respond to the name and the name definitely has some negativity behind it that it’s best to choose a new forever name!
We always let their Alpha sponsors choose the forever name. Alpha sponsors help cover the monthly care cost of feed, hay and bedding for the animals they sponsor.
This sweet baby’s is looking for his Alpha Sponsor and his new forever name!
We love you Sanctuary family, thank you for being here, it’s through your incredible support that we are able to help animals like this in need!

Alyssa’s Animal Sanctuary is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing a safe haven for abandon, abused, and neglected animals of all kinds, while also offering the community fun and educational activities out here on the farm!
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